Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Words to live by.....

"When our decisions affect the lives of others, we must always seek God's wisdom and then be willing to follow thru no matter how difficult it may be"....

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Kaysie gets beautiful goddaughter!

 Kaysie and her parents Kerry and Sue Ann
 Kaysie and her godmothers, Michelle, Me, Colleen and Julie             Kaysie Ann

Kaysie got baptized on May 25th...what a special day!  Sue Ann had a great party for her afterwards at the golf course.  I'm so proud of you Kaysie for choosing to be baptized at 11 years special. Love you, godchild!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Goodbye Terri and Anthony :(

I said goodbye to my buddy...:(  Love him.  Loved the time with Terri and Anthony.  It has been one of the best experiences of my life....God used me to help my friends dreams come true.  How special is that!  Thank you, God.  It was a fun three weeks having them here.  I'm sending them home to you, Loren. Take great care of them. Love you all!  Lisa

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Terri and Anthony Erker visit for 3 weeks!

 New mama and sweet Anthony
 Taylor, Malorie, Maggie and their half brother Anthony Michael

Sweet boy!

I have had such a wonderful time being a part of the Erkers adoption experience.  Terri and the baby stayed here until they could leave the state....they haven't left yet but she is hoping to leave in the next couple of days to head back home to Kansas. Sounds like all the paperwork is where it needs to be. We met the Erkers when we lived in Wichita and they are Emma's godparents.  I'm going to miss them a lot.  It's wonderful to see God answer prayers. They are going to be awesome parents. I love you Terri, Loren and Anthony!  Love , "aunt Lisa"

Spring on the farm

Maggie took these pictures for the fair.   Finally we get spring weather.   We have baby puppies, baby kittens, and baby goats....the kids love it.  Me too......

Twins State Fair Project


The 4th grade learned about the states....Maggie had Michigan and Malorie had Oklahoma.  They had to dress up as someone famous from their state.  They did a great job.  And they looked so cute. Fun to see all their friends and their projects too. 

Christian--high school soccer

Love to watch Christian play soccer.  He is on a team full of a bunch of great kids.  They are undefeated this season.

Girls learn to make jam

 Kaysie and Emma
 Malorie and Maggie
 Grandma Mary and Abbigayle

4h kids and their teacher

The girls and I took a class on making homemade jam/jelly.  We all learned a lot and it was yummy!  Love my girls.

2013 Art Show


I've got some great artists :)   The girls did great on their art projects!

Joel 8th grade track

It was fun to watch Joel and his friends in the track meets.....he ran 400s and did the high jump.   Love that boy!

Pelicans on the pond

We had beautiful pelicans on the pond for 4 days....they are so pretty!